Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Quarter Poll: Which is the Best Hit by a Canuck This Season?

After Dan Hamhuis obliterated Douglas Murray last night with a crazy hipcheck, I got to thinking about the Canucks overall hittiness and the number of big checks we've already seen this season. I asked, in this post, if that was the best one? Some of you answered in the comments, reminded me of a few I'd forgotten about, and led me to this post.

We have seen six pretty excellent hits seen from the Canucks this season: Raffi Torres on Tyler Myers, Raffi Torres on Andrew Cogliano, Alex Edler on Matt Duchene, Andrew Alberts on Pavel Datsyuk, Keith Ballard on Evgeni Malkin, and Dan Hamhuis on Douglas Murray. It's a quarter of the way through the season and it's a good time for a poll. You'll find that poll to the right of this post in the sidebar. Which hit was the best one?

All six bone-rattling candidates after the jump.

Raffi Torres juggles Tyler Myers' organs

Alex Edler gives Matt Duchene the roughness

Dan Hamhuis makes Murray do sweet flipz

Keith Ballard shows Evgeni Malkin what's hip

Raffi Torres sings Andrew Cogliano a song

Andrew Alberts gets thwacky on Pavel Datstyuk

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