Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Tanner Glass Responds to Our Scrabble Challenge

In case you're new to PITB, let us catch you up to speed. Some time ago, I heard a Tanner Glass interview on the Team 1040 and learned that he loves him some Scrabble. A massive Scrabble fan myself, I couldn't help but issue an open challenge to the Canucks winger.

Some time after that, PITB was blessed with the incredible t-shirt design by an artistically gifted Bulie named Annie. And boy, is she gifted. Check out her Tanner Glass villanelle in the comments of this post. The shirt got our challenge noticed, and was featured at Fort Nucks. We got word from a few sources that Tanner loved it, wanted one, and might actually accept the challenge.

We just got word today this is indeed the case from Tanner himself. He discusses the challenge in his latest blog.

Life on the road is as crazy as it sounds – moving from city to city every couple of days - but there are a few good things about it.

For one, we go to a lot of cities with great shopping, which can be really helpful around the holidays.

And two, I have a pretty intense Scrabble battle every road trip with Aaron Rome. We’re not the best, but our series is pretty even. I’ve been practicing so we’ll see what happens next trip.

Apparently the word is out that I’m a Scrabble fan and I’ve actually had a few challengers. As of right now, I don’t have the time to take anyone up on their challenges, but after the new year, I’ll probably play a game with passittobulis, one of the bloggers that has taken it as far as to make shirts that are pretty sweet. Maybe we can sell some of those shirts and donate the proceeds to Canuck Place Hospice.

That is awesome. Thank you, Tanner, for getting back to us. We totally understand that the holidays are much too busy a season for sit-down word games with bloggers. So the new year it is. We look forward to a Scrabble battle so intense you'll think you're on the team plane.

As for the rest of you, you heard it here first. Tanner Glass has accepted our Scrabble challenge. We are pumped. We thoroughly appreciate everyone who helped us get word to him, and we'll keep everyone posted as we work out the details. We're talking to screen printers about getting the shirts ready for sale, and we will definitely be donating a portion of the proceeds to Canuck Place. This should be fun.

For the latest updates, follow us on twitter.

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