Rabu, 10 November 2010

Mike Gillis is on Twitter and his First Tweet Is Gonna Be Boss

He looks like he'd be really funny, though, right? Gillis is the mayor of Comedytowne .

News hit the Intertubes yesterday morning that Mike Gillis, the General Manager of our Vancouver Canucks, was finally on Twitter. It was a pretty big deal. By the end of the day, before he had tweeted a single thing, he had 4000 followers and he was trending all over the place. Gillis hit the top ten Twitter trends in Canada fairly early on. It was innocuous and expected.

What was unexpected, however, was @artemchubarov's wicked hashtag, #FirstMikeGillisTweet, in which he began comedic speculation on the first thing Mike Gillis would say in 140 characters. We at PITB found it totally rad, maybe because the idea of a funny Gillis is, in itself, hilarious. Gillis only laughs when overwhelmed with incredulity at questions interviewers ask him, and he only smiles... well, never. And, since @artemchubarov is one of our favourite tweeters/readers, and I was still sore from yesterday's thrilling failure with Pratt's Day Off, #FirstMikeGillisTweet became a cathartic new cause.

We were thrilled for everyone involved when it finally took off. At its peak, the hashtag was the 3rd highest trend in Canada, just below #6millionBeliebers, and proudly above Lake Shore. Below you will find the 20 best contributions from the Twitterverse, as well as 10 from PITB.

From the Twitterverse

  • @gutsmctavish24: I hope no one tampers with my twitter account when we're in Toronto

  • @geoffgauthier: Salo tripped at pregame buffet and broke hand on potato salad. I LOL'd.

  • @smoothmedia: Now that he's been voted off of Battle of the Blades, I'm considering offering Theo Fluery 20mil over 2 years.

  • @artemchubarov Boy, if Dale Tallon hadn't waived party-boy Grabner and blown that pick, I'd really be regretting the Ballard trade

  • @artemchubarov: @justinbieber saw you're a moose fan omg! We have so much in common! Love that baby track, I hum it whilst biking.

  • @CanucksCorner: The real reason we traded SOB? He was cramping my style at the Roxy.

  • @glassedpickles: Hi everyone this is mike gillis gm of the vancouver canucks

  • @KingMicah49: I'm not sure if twitter is something the team can build around moving forward

  • @artemchubarov: suggested All-Star game change: flaming pucks so that the net lights on fire after goals like in Gretzky's 3D hockey!

  • @Mozy19: You know that contract I gave Sundin? He won it in a hand of poker.

  • @Mozy19: Boom.

  • @canuckshockey: Just saw Moj at the buffet table again. I reintroduced myself.

  • @RogerNairn: Do you have any idea how much Roberto's annual hair grease budget is?

  • @whatnojagr: wonder how Bieksa will like Washington..... oh crap. Shouldn't have said that! LOL!

  • @Twitchy67: I'm here to interact with fans in a more honest and open forum. I'll be here til someone disagrees with me.

  • @camdavie: Fans - any thoughts on who the Canucks should target for trade? I really value your input. /sarcasm

  • @opiatedsherpa: At the Rick Rypien hearing in New York, I actually got to spin the Wheel of Justice... so much fun!

  • @opiated sherpa: Before every home game, I like to stop at every Starbucks on Robson for coffee... I like to get my buzz on like that.

  • @AlanJackson76: Somebody needs to tell Garrett to lay off. He's being far too critical of our play.

  • @HeadtotheNet: Is it ok to fire a coach through twitter? I've never really liked Vigneault, but I hate confrontation.

If you're asking me, I think @opiatedsherpa won the day with his tweet about the wheel of justice. Funny stuff. Here were some of ours:

From the Desk of @PassittoBulis

  • @passittobulis: Lolz Bettman totally looks like Hypnotoad amirite??!

  • @passittobulis: We do not discuss contracts or potential trades, Pratt. Stop asking.

  • @passittobulis: Hopping on @Team1040 to talk Canucks! FML!

  • @passittobulis: I can tell the Sedins apart because I scribbled on Hank's neck with a permanent marker.

  • @passittobulis: Kes sent me one of his RK17 jackets. Just noticed there's a 17 *inside* the R. Wait, there's totally a K too! Dude!

  • @passittobulis: Aw yeah! The continental breakfast has cinnamon raisin bagels! #nomnomnom

  • @passittobulis: Full disclosure: Tanner Glass is my son.

  • @passittobulis: Apparently I'm trending. What the hell does that mean?

  • @passittobulis: Next inductee into the #Canucks ring of honour: Jan Bulis.

  • @passittobulis: Ehrhoff extension is for 4.5 million "dollhairs" LOL let's see if his agent can read.

And, of course, Mike Gillis ended all the fun this morning when he actually tweeted his first tweet. Did it live up to the hype?

  • @GMMikeGillis: I have a twitter account after months of talking about it. Plan to be active & update every few days. In OTT getting ready for Senators tmr.

No. No it did not live up to the hype. Thanks for coming out, Mike.

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