Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

Ryan Kesler Thinks He is Hilarious

This latest video from compiles a brief history of Kesler's interview adventures, which we have covered previously. It's odd, it's off-putting, and it's endearing. Quite frankly, I love it. For once, we're seeing a slightly less serious side to Kesler, though he's clearly still very serious about doing as many of these background excursions as possible. He also seems to find himself incredibly funny.

What's it all about? Does he just think he's hilarious? Is he desperate for attention? Is it a sneaky viral ad campaign for RK17? My theory is that the enforcement of maturity on-ice has led to an outburst of immaturity off-ice. He needs an outlet and, now that he can't verbally assault the opposition, he visually assaults his teammates.

Kesler has dubbed his antics as "interview bombing" and claims he invented the practice. I prefer the term Keslurking. Whatever the title, we hope he continues doing it.

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