Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Topless Kesler Now a Staple of Canucks Web Content

Ryan Kesler keeps forcing himself on interviews while neglecting to force shirts on himself.

Here's the Canucks.com Reid Report, featuring a Dan Hamhuis interview in which Ryan Kesler, again, drifts into the frame, toplessly nourishing himself.

If you're keeping score at home, that two Canucks.com videos this week to feature creepy, topless Ryan Kesler. Is he going for the topless hat trick? Is Kristin Reid aware that he's committed to bogarting her interviews?

I say yes. Though this one is certainly more natural, it still feels strangely intentional. I suspect this is some sort of dare, perhaps inspired after the team spent an evening watching Andy Samberg videos on Youtube, and felt particularly inspired by People Getting Punched Right Before Eating? Expect topless Ryan Kesler to keep popping up unexpectedly while Kristin Reid interviews his teammates.

Seriously, topless Ryan Kesler is the new cigar guy.

Thanks to Kristin for the tip.

Edit: apparently, the Kesler cameos are coming in waves. Here he is, casually wearing sunglasses indoors in the background of a Chris Higgins interview, via CDC poster tryptic.

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