Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

Amazing Fan Video: The Vancouver Canucks: Life in Technicolor

Here is another incredible Canucks fan video that should get you pumped for the upcoming season. This one is by Canucks fan "SilvinFin", a regular Fan Zone contributor. As ytou can see, he is quite talented. Here is what he has to say about the video I hope you're currently watching:

With the arrival of the Canucks' 40th anniversary, it seems almost inevitable to be excited about the upcoming season. So many changes have occurred this off-season, including the acquisition of several new players, as well as the development of our prospects. Looking forward, it appears this team is set to dazzle with an array of spectacular hockey. This team now comprises of spectacular goaltending, talented forwards, and one of the best defense cores in the National Hockey League, and the anticipation is everywhere. The city has always embodied the spirit of this team, and now, with such heritage to reflect on, both in this city and with this franchise, it seems the best is only a motion away. Enjoy.

I could have used less Coldplay, I guess, but it's hard to quibble with a video of this quality. All right August, you have been the current month for long enough. Now is as good a time as any to give way to September, a month I greatly prefer.

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