Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Highlights From Sami Salo's Two-Goal Debut in Manitoba

Canuck fans have every right to temper their expectations about Sami Salo's return to the lineup this season. The guy attracts injuries like banana-eaters attract mosquitoes, and his most recent near-mortal wound in a game of floorball (a.k.a. hockey so thoroughly neutered it can be played on gym floors without fear of scuffing) was a sort of last straw for many. Moreover, even if you're optimistic that Salo can remain healthy once healthy, you'd have to think that he couldn't possibly get back to the level at which he operates when healthy. A torn Achilles tendon is a Hell of a thing to rehabilitate.

Sami Salo appears to be aware of your concerns. Down in the AHL on a conditioning assignment, Casper scored two goals in his first game with the Manitoba Moose. Take that, haters. If you were finding it difficult to muster Salo-based excitement, have a gander at the above video. Salo's goals come 0:43 and 2:48 into the clip, and it's evident that his game hasn't changed. Both goals are typically saloesque: one is a backdoor play and the other a howitzer. The only major difference is that he's wearing 22, but honestly, if you know anything about Sami Salo's game, you'd recognize him if he were dressed as Shrek.

Jeff Tambellini recently told Justin Bourne that Salo would soon step in to replace Edler without the Canucks missing a beat. We wondered if this was insider information. Now, with Salo needing about a millisecond to show he's too good for the AHL, it appears that it was. Rumour has it Salo could be back in the lineup as early as next Saturday, and this video is evidence we should be at least a little bit excited about that.

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