Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

The Vancouver Wellwoods Present "Training is Cheating" & Other Road Hockey News

PITB's favorite road hockey team, the Vancouver Wellwoods, have just released this fantastic video to help promote their team. It is a wonderful illustration of their team motto, "Training is Cheating." Make sure to head to their team page and "Like" the Wellwoods. As we have said before, they are PITB's team and, therefore, they are your team. If you don't like them and what they stand for, then I'm not sure we can be friends.

The National Street Hockey Championship is taking place this Friday and Saturday in Victoria, BC. The Wellwoods will be playing on Friday, February 11th, at 8:40 AM, 11:20 AM, and 2:40 PM. The Saturday schedule has not been released yet. If you're in Victoria this weekend, be sure to head out to the Inner Harbour by the Fairmont Empress Hotel to cheer the Wellwoods on to victory.

In other road hockey news, Pass it to Bulis will be participating in a Canucks Blogger Road Hockey Tournament Extravaganza this Saturday on Granville Street in Vancouver. The Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association and Five Hole for Food are setting up street hockey rinks on the corner of Granville and Robson open for anyone to play, with the blogger tournament between Canucks Hockey Blog, Canucks Corner, Head to the Net, and yours truly taking place in the late afternoon. PITB will be playing at 3:00 and 5:00 PM, so stop by to watch and/or play. The Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society will be on site to collect donations, so bring a donation along with your hockey stick.

If that doesn't get you pumped up, maybe a press release about the event will:

Remember the excitement of the pedestrian corridors along Granville & Robson during the 2010 Olympic Games? We do! The Downtown Vancouver BIA and the City of Vancouver are hosting a one-year anniversary celebration on Saturday, February 12 from noon – 9pm to relive the fun that was ‘centre ice’ during the Games.

February 12th marks the one year anniversary of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver. The DVBIA has planned numerous of activities and entertainment for the public to enjoy. Some of the activations will include organized street hockey, buskers, flash mobs, a tweet up, CTV broadcasting the news on site, broadcast highlights of the Games and people just hanging out. As a part of the festivities happening on that day, street hockey will be one of the main attractions for the thousands of spectators.

There will also be some integration with Lunar Fest which is happening on the same day as they will parade down Robson and Granville street ending with a fire dance in our hockey rink in the 700 block of Granville Street. The Mint will be open for the day with special Olympic features, and there will be VIP involvement throughout the course of the day including Olympians from last year's games.

Richard Loat
DVBIA Event Organizer

So, in summary: if you're in Victoria, go cheer on the Wellwoods. If you're on the mainland, come watch PITB prove terrible at the very sport they cover. And if you're in another country, we apologize, because Canada is where it's at.

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