Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Tanner Glass Is a Practicer

Another gem from Jeff Vinnick's great Behind the Lens series. Looks like Tanner's spelling GAVEL.

Just in case you thought that everybody had forgotten about the Scrabble Me Tanner challenge, here's where we currently stand: a date for the match is impending, but has not yet been set. The plan was to revisit things in the new year, but, if you'll recall, the Canucks played about 812 games in January, so there hasn't really been much time to think about anything unrelated to hockey.

For the clamorers: the shirts are on the way as well. The Canucks are helping us out with them a little, so we've had to go through all the proper channels, and there will be a few minor additions to their design (A possible Canuck Place logo on the sleeve, for instance). As you can see, from the picture above, nobody's forgotten about this story. I'm still mentally preparing myself to get punched in the nose when I play my third bingo in a row and deciding which media member to invite (thanks for the roses, Ian). Tanner Glass, fierce competitor that he is, is getting his practice on whenever possible, as seen above. Everybody remains excited, and we'll continue to keep you posted on the goings-on as they go on.

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