Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

I Find This Quote Odd: Proof That Daniel Sedin is Out For Blood

This man cries tears of rage.

Regular Bulies know my feelings regarding the constantly put-under Daniel Sedin, the perennial also-ran among people who look exactly like him. Daniel has always been the second to receive Sedin-based praise, and there's no doubt in my mind it kills him every time. Henrik won the Art Ross. Henrik won the Hart. Henrik got the captaincy. Until yesterday, Henrik was the All-Star. Daniel gets no love and he gets no respect. I'll bet if Derek Jory sits in Daniel's seat, nobody says anything. Is anyone sitting here? Just Daniel "Brent Gretzky" Sedin, but he can move.

At the beginning of the season, I suggested that Daniel's bottle of quiet rage was nearing an inevitable overflow--that, so driven by rage was he, he would have his best season ever. But, apart from a hunch (and the fact I'm projecting similar suppressed feelings of sibling inadequacy), I've never had much proof.

Until today, when Dan Rosen sat down with the Sedins for NHL.com.

At first, I thought we might be in for more gentle jabs, like when Henrik suggested he would score as much as Daniel if he was feeding himself the puck. That's what we got, too, when Henrik touched on who might win a fight between his brother and him:

NHL.com: Henrik, who wins in a fight?

Henrik: "Oh, that'd be tough. We've never fought. I might win. It would be close, but I'm like two pounds heavier so I might win on that one."

Funny stuff. But then things got real:

NHL.com: Daniel, who has the stronger personality?

"If you ask us I think we would say that I'm probably more outspoken or like to talk, but if you ask our teammates I think they would say Henrik. He's had more of a leadership role throughout the years. He was the [alternate] captain, and I wasn't. Now he's the captain and I'm the [alternate]. He's always been one step higher."

Can you feel the rage boiling? He's always been one step higher, he said, before trailing off, his eyes wide with hateful intensity. He's always been one step higher, he said, the sound of his teeth gritting overwhelming the gentle gurgle of the water cooler. He's always been one step higher, he said, stifling an urge to kill.

There is now no doubt in my mind that this cat is out for blood. Tread lightly around Daniel Sedin. He'll gut you.

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