Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Awesome Signage: Glass Fights Bears

Now seems like a good time to let everyone know that we love PITB-related signage here at Pass it to Bulis. Solemn vow: we will always feature it on this blog. This sign, prominently flaunted at Madison Square Garden on Thursday Night, is totally awesome. Additional points for getting the values correct on those Scrabble tiles. Poor Tanner Glass. Our favourite bear-fighting, Scrabble-playing mullet man is going to have one of the strangest reputations in the league when all is said and done.

And if that sign doesn't tickle your fancy, how about this sign?

This sign is really great for two reasons: 1) it's free advertising and 2) it is either the best inside joke ever or indicative of being completely out of touch with the Canucks' current roster. This is a good sign idea. More people should do this sign.

Both signs are awesome, and I can safely say that Steven and Shantini, the couple behind these signs, are equally awesome.

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