Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

Mikhail Grabovski's Spinorama is My Favourite Spinorama

Spinning shootout goals have become incredibly overrated. They're no longer uncommon, but each time a player pulls one off, jaws across the country drop. It's nearing cliche territory, as spinning in the shootout seems like a surefire way to make someone gush, even if it has nothing to do with your eventual shot. Suffice it to say, spinning alone no longer impresses me.

But this spinorama does, and what makes it so awesome is that Mikhail Grabovski pulls the puck back to the forehand. It freezes Conklin, who must have seen all the same Youtube clips I have, because he clearly expects Grabs to release on the backhand.

Expect to see this move a few more times, as it seems the natural evolution of a shootout move that is beginning to lose its wow factor. And until this one becomes as common as that one, I'm willing to drop my jaw for it.

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