Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

Tanner Glass Fighting Bears

Tanner Glass, doing valuable research like a good Dartmouth alum.

Last night, Tanner Glass knocked out Islander forward Matt Martin with a brutal haymaker. It was an impressive punch, and perhaps even moreso for Canuck fans, who are used to Glass holding his own in fights, but rarely winning them outright. According to HockeyFights.com, Glass has fought twenty-five times in a Canucks uniform and seven times this season. Do you remember any of them? Not really. But you'll remember last night's, and so will Matt Martin.

So where, exactly, did the Scrabble Champ develop such a mean right hook? PITB is here to tell you: fighting bears. Word is he's been doing a little bare-knuckle bear boxing on the sly. Well, the secret's out. Here's photo evidence that isn't in any way photoshopped:

Editor's note necessitated by hilariously false reports: the header image is also a photoshop. In the
original image, Tanner Glass is reading George Orwell's 1984. As far as PITB knows, he has never read a book called "How To Fight Bears."

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